silhouette of woman sitting, watching sun rise

Energy Therapy: Medicine of the Future

You already have the keys to improved emotional, spiritual, mental and physical health benefits.

Many of my clients come for treatment because they are frustrated with how they are feeling physically or emotionally and even if they are being treated for a specific illness energy therapy is a fantastic modality to add to their treatment. 

One of my clients came to me after having several traumatic events happen in her life.  She was experiencing generalized pain, depression, anxiety and lack of energy and it was very obvious her energy was disrupted.  After explaining to her the connection between energy and the body and one Reiki treatment, she experienced an amazing transformation. Her energy levels increased, pain was gone and she stated that “I have my life back, I feel like the person I used to be.”  After continuing her treatments and learning other energy practices I have taught her, she finally has control of her life. Energy therapy and Reiki addressed her as an entire person, rather than a single health problem.

What is Energy Therapy?

A process by which you “recharge your batteries” energy therapy is an alternative medicine practice which has been around for thousands of years. You use the natural energy that exists in your body and the universe for specific health rewards. Not only can improving your energy flow impact your physical health, but it can also lead to benefits like improved spirituality and a more complete emotional existence.

Energy healing works because you are a natural energy creator. Everything in the universe is energy. Energy is everywhere, and everything in your environment works to either improve or negatively impact your life force energy.

We know this to be true because science has proven the process. Quantum physicians can show how any two energy sources automatically have some type of impact on each other. Think about the last time you were in an environment which made you feel uncomfortable or unhappy. You were fidgety, frustrated, possibly scared, and experienced multiple negative emotions. Now imagine when you were in a place where you were ensconced in positive energy, such as hanging around with your friends enjoying a positively memorable experience.

These are two simple examples which display how energy can affect you.

Energy therapy works on this belief. If you think revitalizing your natural energy is something that is new as far as health rewards are concerned, think again. In the Far East, energy healing practices have been going on since as early as 6,000 BC. Energy healing is still used today in Japan, China, India and other parts of the world for significant mental and physical health benefits. The scientifically proven health rewards you can receive from balancing your life force energy happen due to the way physical and metaphysical energy moves throughout your body.

The energy that flows throughout our bodies is known as Chi which is life force energy.  Chi flows within the body through pathways called chakras and meridians.

The energy meridians connect all your body parts, organs and internal processes. When these energy channels become blocked, your energy flow, blood flow and oxygen flow slow down. This can cause physical problems. Emotional disturbances are caused by hormonal imbalances linked to blocked energy meridians, and the same is true for mental health problems.

The flow of healthy chi creates well-being. When that flow of healthy chi is disrupted, it causes diminished functioning within one or more organs and tissues of the physical body. Chi is also affected by our thoughts and feelings.  When you have negative thoughts, our chi is diminished and you don’t feel good.  Every thought and the emotion it carries, produces changes in your physical body. This is not a surprise if you consider that when we feel sad our body produces tears or when you are embarrassed your face becomes red.

Techniques like Reiki and other energy practices make clogged energy pathways free again, so the life force energy which connects you to the universe can flow freely and naturally. This process also pushes out negative energy, leaving healing positive energy to positively influence overall health and well-being.