silhouette of woman sitting, watching sun rise

Energy Therapy: Medicine of the Future

You already have the keys to improved emotional, spiritual, mental and physical health benefits. Many of my clients come for treatment because they are frustrated with how they are feeling physically or emotionally and even if they are being treated for a specific illness energy therapy is a fantastic modality to add to their treatment.  […]

Take a Bite Out of Stress By Boosting Your Immune System

Are you letting stress damage your immune system? Find out simple ways to kick these habits and get more balance & immunity in your life.

Stress with Busy Professionals

CALM ANXIETY: 3 WAYS TO INNER PEACE for Busy Professionals

What does calming anxiety have to do with illness and immunity?  Everything. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America:  Nearly 40 million people in the United States (18%) experience an anxiety disorder in any given year.  As a busy professional chronic stress & ANXIETY can undermine your body and immune system and create […]

roller coaster - cancer patient

Cancer Patient: Integrative Wellness Opens Healing Doors

Are You on the Cancer Patient Roller Coaster? If you’re a cancer patient, I bet you’ve been through a roller coaster ride of healthcare processes, pills and painful transitions. As a Nurse, I get what happens when you’re diagnosed, but it really hit home when my husband was diagnosed with T-cell lymphoma. He followed all of […]

Eating Clean and Green

Anti-Cancer Foods Unleash Your Natural Healing Ability

Anti-Cancer Foods: Fight Cancer With a Fork When my husband was going through his cancer treatments, he wasn’t told to consume anti-cancer foods as part of his treatment plan. He was told to eat whatever he wanted.  That really didn’t make a whole lot of sense to us because we wanted to know how to […]

Family Caregiver with Cancer Patient

Reduce Caregiver Stress & Empower Cancer Patients With Reiki

Caregiver Stress is a Given When You’re Taking Care of Someone with Cancer. Whether you’re a family member or professional, caregiver stress causes symptoms like these: Depression High anxiety and trouble focusing Feeling overwhelmed Frustration Sleep Deprivation I understand all of these feelings because I have been there, as a Registered Nurse and a long-term […]