Take a Bite Out of Stress By Boosting Your Immune System

Is Stress Making It Hard to Balance Life?

Are you a stressed-out workaholic burning the candle at both ends? If so you are probably feeling the effects in your body and energy level. In fact, you’ll learn there are 4 ways you are weakening your immune system everyday…and how to solve it.

Healthy Food to Eliminate Stress

4 Tips Relieve Stress & Boost Your Immune System

I was eating fast food, cereal for dinner, skipping breakfast and very quickly losing my energy and coffee wasn’t helping.

I thought I just needed to sleep more, maybe meditate or go on a short vacation to relax, although that is important, not all that I needed.

What I was missing didn’t have to do with just needing to relax it was many other pieces that were missing to relieve my stress.

My stress, lack of energy, brain fog, sleeplessness, and depression were not caused only by my life situations but from a poor immune system response due to a poor diet.  Hence the mind/body connection. I kept picking up every germ out there and was an angry person.

Use Color To Reduce Your Stress Levels

I finally figured out that stress relief required implementing many pieces and the piece missing for me was my diet. 

There was no color on my plate. OH, and can you relate to this scenario:  you are working and have only 15 minutes for a break and the break room is full of donuts, sweets, and lots of coffee, UGH. 

Sugar, preservatives, additives, processed foods in vending machines, irresistible, right? 

Especially if you are stressed and in a hurry to get back to work, and of course like me didn’t think to bring anything from home.  Soo! Now you are running on a sugar high and the Crash is coming.

We are what we eat, so a healthy diet can go a long way to preserving our health.

Many over the counter products, vitamins, and supplements claim to help improve your health.  The best strategy for boosting your immune system involves a number of simple strategies anyone can follow through in 4 easy steps.

1. Eat Breakfast to Relieve Stress

You are trying to get yourself and your family together so the last thing you think about is breakfast.  Then when you get to work and that break comes around, can you say Hangary?

You have basically fasted all night and your blood sugar is usually low in the morning.  Your brain needs glucose to function properly.  Skipping meals will cause your body to go into survival mode and you tend to crave unhealthy foods like those donuts in the break room.

According to the Huffington Post: 31 million people skip breakfast every day and that females are more likely to skip breakfast due to being busy or running late.

Check out these healthy Breakfast ideas

2. Reduce Stress by Planning Ahead

Planning ahead prevents you from going to that vending machine for chips and candy.  It really feels great when you open the lunch you packed and see a healthy balanced meal.

Pack your lunches the night before, so all you have to do is take it out of the refrigerator the next morning.

 Take time on the weekend to plan out your meals for the week. Place leftovers in the freezer for future lunches and meals.

Healthy soups with lots of vegetables and spices can be made ahead and frozen to pull out for lunches or dinners.

Check out these recipes:

3. Choose Food Wisely for Optimal Stress Levels

Make sure most of your diet includes nutrient-dense foods that let you accomplish more with less. Avoid sugar and empty calories and instead, focus on making sure each snack and meal packs as much punch as possible.

Remember, you’re going for fueling your body and mind so you can accomplish more.

Eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables offers a range of nutrients and antioxidants as well, powerful disease-fighting properties are found in certain foods such as berries, legumes, and apples.

Eating a rainbow every day will help you achieve a balanced diet.

4. Stay Hydrated

According to Holtorfmed: 8 Ways to Weaken Your Immune System “Dehydration affects your energy levels.”

Skip that coffee first thing when you wake up and drink a glass of water.  You are dehydrated after 8 hours of sleep and coffee only causes more dehydration. 

Water flushes toxins and wastes from your body. Drink 50% of your body weight in ounces daily and you are on the right track.

Adopt these simple success strategies to boost your immune system and see how much lower your stress can go.

