Breast Cancer Survivor: “Skeptical” Was An Understatement
On August 19th, 2014, I heard the four words no woman ( or man) ever wants to hear; ” You have breast cancer”. I swore that same physician hit me across the throat with a baseball bat. I couldn’t speak.
As a Registered Nurse, I stood next to many physicians as they delivered similar news and I thought I understood what they were feeling but when you are the patient, it’s an entirely different animal. The anxiety washed over me like some huge, violent ocean wave. I couldn’t breathe or even form a complete thought for a few moments.
In the next few weeks I had such trouble focusing on my job, what just happened to my entire life and the fact that I may not even HAVE a life in the next few years. The anxiety was crippling. One day while at work, Bonnie approached me and very gently explained the benefits of Reiki, an integrative wellness method, and how it could possibly help me.
When I say I was a skeptic, that’s an understatement. However I’ve never been a fan of drugs in general let alone an anti-anxiety drug. I’ve always been interested in holistic medicine as a supplement to traditional. After talking to Bonnie at great length, I agreed to try it, skepticism and all.
I walked into her home a blubbering, anxious mess and through the “magic”, for lack of a better word, of Reiki, I left with such a calmness and a peace I hadn’t felt in weeks. I went thru a bilateral mastectomy with no anxiety, no fear. Which is pretty remarkable because not only was it a major surgery, it was my first surgery!
I’m a religious person. I’m a devout Catholic. I can tell you that I felt the presence of His Peace during the treatment. I continue to pray daily for continued healing and peace. Reiki is a tool that helps me meet that goal. I would recommend Bonnie to anyone. Give Reiki a try. I doubt you’ll be disappointed.
Crystal Fidazzo
This Holistic Health Method Relieved My Husband’s Pain
My Reiki journey started with my husband, he had a bad back which led to him being in constant pain, which led to him being in a terrible mood almost all the time (not a pleasant experience for the rest of the family). I had been dabbing into holistic health for quite some time- desperate for an alternative to narcotics and things of that nature which his doctor wanted him to be on.
I had been searching and searching when one day the universe connected me and Bonnie, and I knew that we needed this in our lives. We had made an appointment for my husband to come get a Reiki treatment, not knowing what to expect but trusting it was the right path with no doubt in my mind, Kevin came out of his treatment a whole different person.
He went from an angry in pain human, to the most relaxed, happy go lucky person that I knew was the real him. His attitude had done a 180 turn. He could actually sleep again without waking up and tossing and turning (which ment we all could get some sleep!).
The effects lasted about 4 days, this is when i realized how important it was for me to become a Reiki Practitioner, so that I could provide him and my family with the proper treatment at any time. I then went to Bonnie’s class for Reiki Certification Level 1, and was able to practice on my entire family. It gave us a sense of empowerment and comfort knowing that we have another tool right in our own back pocket- one more thing that let us take our health into our own hands.
There was one specific day that stands out to me that I knew I was doing a good job- Kevin was in a terrible mood, I was able to send him a Reiki treatment from across the room, within about 10 minutes he just changed his entire mood. I was pretty impressed myself. My next journey for myself is to use Reiki to heal my past, its so amazing to be able to take care of yourself and help to ground your emotions, my favorite ritual is to practice Reiki with balance oil (the grounding blend). Bonnie uses the safest and scientifically backed oils in the world. When used on my neck and on my feet, these together are pure magic. I have also been able to alleviate muscle tension and bad energy in my house (which I believed help to sell it!). I’ve also used it once to calm a crying baby sitting across from me on an airplane. It’s super cool to be able to literally feel the negative energy clear out and be replaced with good, its an overwhelming sense of peace. I’m very excited to continue on my journey to level two reiki certification this year!
Bonnie Helped Me Manage Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms
I have had so many wonderful experiences with Reiki. Beginning with the my sessions with Bonnie….she has always been empathetic and understanding with my health issues. I noticed a difference after my first session with her, I was much more relaxed and felt “light” and happy.
I continued to receive Reiki from Bonnie and not only did my personal anxiety lesson but my overall emotional well being improved. Not to mention the ability to sleep in the evening. When classes started being offered in order to get Reiki Certification, I felt it was a great opportunity to help myself and my family. The classes that Bonnie holds for the community are wonderful….the feeling that comes along with being attuned to the practice is different for everyone but everyone can agree that it is a journey that is well worth taking.
It has helped me not only personally at night to sleep, manage pain and anxiety but it has also helped my family.
My son has problems falling asleep on school nights and once I began practicing I started giving him Reiki in the evening. It was a miracle!!! Or I felt like it anyway! He fell asleep quickly…and it became a part of our bedtime routine. He now asks for me to “do my air massages” on him to relax.
Reiki along with essential oils (Bonnie’s Resilience Program) have been a great help to me over the last few months…I have MS and struggle with many physical problems along with fatigue. I use Reiki on myself each night in order fall asleep. I find in calming and find that I fall asleep much quicker. I have also used it, oils and other natural methods to help manage neuropathy pain in my feet and legs on several occasions.
From being a skeptic to a true believer….Reiki and the other natural methods she teaches are amazing tools to help you not only stay grounded but allows you maintain a connection spiritually and emotionally with others. I love to see and hear of others that this has helped and as a mentor, teacher, friend and practitioner Bonnie is a blessing. She holds her patients dearly and treats them all with a great deal of respect and understanding.
Deanna Clark
I Was Skeptical But Bonnie Has Helped My Whole Family
I must admit that I was a bit skeptical of Reiki before being trained. I had friends who were such strong believers in Reiki that I decided to give it a try, and I must say I am so happy I did. Getting Reiki certification has truly helped my whole family is so many positive ways. It has helped ease my anxiety, stress levels, and digestion issues and it has helped my husband’s back pain and difficulty sleeping.
Reiki training has been an amazing journey for my entire family! Bonnie creates such a caring and loving atmosphere during reiki training. She includes her family in the training as well, and you immediately feel as though you are part of this wonderful family. I strongly feel this is what really helped motivate me and created the passion I now have for Reiki. Reiki training has helped me become more positive, caring, and self aware, which has had such an amazing impact on my family and our relationships. I am truly blessed to have had the experience in Reiki training and cannot wait to continue my journey.
Samantha Jacobs
Bonnie Helped Us to Help Our Sick Dog
Aside from a friend from work, Heather, occasionally mentioning Reiki, I didn’t know much about it. About a year or so later our family got the devastating news that our beloved Golden Retriever Jackson was diagnosed with an aggressive form of bone cancer.
His timeline was bleak, approximately 30 days, or an antagonistic medical plan that included amputation and chemotherapy that would only extend his days by 3 or 4 months. We did not want him to suffer so we decided against amputation and were treating him traditionally with anti-inflammatory and pain medication.
My mom began to research some other means of alternative medicine that could coincide with his treatment when she came across some information on Reiki certification. I went to Heather and found out that she is not only a Reiki Master, but her mother Bonnie teaches Reiki classes. Since our time frame was brief, they so kindly and immediately met with us and my mom and I had our first Reiki session and did a crash course so we could begin giving Reiki to Jackson.
Since we got Reiki Certification in February of 2017, Jackson has been receiving Reiki twice every day. He naturally has an upbeat and curious nature about him but for those 20 minutes of healing, he sits calmly, and relaxes. It’s to the point now where we ask him if he wants Reiki and he will come running or wag his tail to indicate, “YES PLEASE”.
Jackson continues to eat, (a lot) play, and be a faithful companion to us and we believe a big part is due to Reiki. We don’t know what the future holds, but we’re grateful for every moment we have with him.
While Jackson initially brought us to Reiki, we now use it frequently in many situations such as helping plants to grow, relief from minor aches and pains, tranquility in stressful situations and continue to find it accommodating in day to day life!
Kristen Mavrich
Bonnie Helped Me Reduce Stress And My Husband’s Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms
“I have been dealing with a tremendous amount of stress and anxiety lately and didn’t know how to relieve myself. I was constantly feeling run down and overwhelmed. I was searching for a way to calm and center myself. I had previously experienced amazing Reiki sessions with Bonnie at Integrated Wellness Solutions, and was contemplating learning Reiki for quite some time. This spring I finally had the courage to try it and earned my Level 1 Reiki Certification from the amazing guidance of Bonnie.
The experiences I’ve had with Bonnie has helped me release my stress and learn how to redirect my energy. I use it nightly on myself to help with TMJ symptoms, restless leg syndrome and sleep issues, chronic pain, as well as helping my husband with his MS symptoms.
Reiki has also been extremely useful to help my children relax and release their energy for a peaceful night’s sleep. You won’t be disappointed! Bonnie puts you at ease and it truly is an amazing experience that you will continue to utilize throughout your everyday life. It has been life changing for me and has helped me grow spiritually and release my burdens.
Julie Ward
Bonnie Helped Me Sleep Better & Feel More In Control of My Life
For years I have struggled with health issues related to various autoimmune diseases. I have been treated with many medications, and became used to being in chronic pain, having trouble sleeping, and constant fatigue. Everyone told me I was too young to be feeling this way, and I felt like I was doing everything I could to remove stress from my life and feel better (eating healthy, exercising daily, yoga, getting massages on a regular basis, positive thinking, etc.) but it wasn’t enough.
When I heard coworkers that I admired and respected discussing the benefits of Reiki, I became interested in learning more. I was at a point where I was willing to try anything to feel better. After my attunement, and receiving Reiki, I felt more calm, relaxed, and energized. I use Reiki at night and am able to fall asleep within minutes without waking up multiple times throughout the night like I used to. Reiki has helped me to feel more in control, and allowed me to remove stress and discomfort from my life, while helping others to do the same.
My dog was also diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, and his temperament had changed dramatically. He began attacking our other dog on a regular basis, and it was difficult to get him to stop. After getting Reiki Certification, I thought it would be worth a try to use it on my dog. When he would begin to attack our other dog, I would step in, place my hands on his shoulders, and he immediately would stop and lay on his back. It was almost comical because he would go from attack mode to laying on his back with his eyes closed within seconds! I know that Reiki has helped him, and it’s calming effects are incredible. He hasn’t attacked our other dog for weeks, and it used to happen on a daily basis.
After practicing Reiki on others, I have felt various vibrations and twitching in my body when my hands are over certain areas of their body. Before the session, I was not always aware of their health issues. After completing one of my first practice sessions, I explained to the woman that I felt a vibration when my hands were by her ears, and twitching when my hands were over her pelvic area. She told me that she had been having trouble with her ear and recently went to the doctor for it, and that she had a UTI. If I had any doubts about the power of Reiki, they disappeared after this experience.
Experiencing this form of healing through energy and touch is life changing. I am so grateful for Ashley, Heather, and Bonnie for introducing me to Reiki, training me, and for being supportive during this emotional journey. It is an invaluable tool that I will continue to use for the rest of my life, and I am looking forward to seeing how this practice will continue to benefit others and myself. Reiki is something that I feel everyone should have knowledge of and use, and I believe it can help anyone to feel better and live a healthier life.
Bonnie Helped Me With Childhood Abuse Issues & Depression
Coming from a background of childhood abuse, anxiety, post-partum depression, and marital issues from the first year of parenthood, receivng Reiki from Bonnie has centered not only me, but my family in a way that is unexplainable. My husband and I are more open and connected again. I feel grounded and haven’t had a panic attack, let alone, overwhelming anxiety since embarking on this journey. My 1-year-old daughter, who fights naps, falls asleep within minutes when I perform Reiki on her, and my dog benefits, as well. This is a life-changing experience and I look forward to what will come of this new journey of divine light.
Fate Led Me to Meet and Train With Bonnie
The synchronicity of life is so beautiful. lede lead me to meet and train with Bonnie Sharpnack. I have always wanted to learn Reiki. I have been studying and using other methods for years, oils, crystals, chakras etc. I have received Reiki many, times by my massage therapist. Having the tool of Reiki is priceless. It has given me confidence, guidance and strength in being able to help not just myself and my family but others as well.
I have severe pain issues, Reiki and essential oils have been amazing in helping me cope with them. I give Reiki to my son nightly to fall asleep along with his oil regimen. I am so thankful for being able to share this gift with others. Bonnie is an angel here on earth. I cannot wait to continue my education and spiritual journey with her.
Aubrey Tissue